Saturday, 16 January 2016

Why should Firms hire Lean Management Experts?

Many organizations have good practices. Over the period, as the business expands the old processes are unable to cope with the scale of the operations. Without robust organizational processes in place, it will be really tough for the big firms to keep a close track of the operations as well as in business expenses. 

This will lead to an increase in the expenses and without proper procedures, the efficiency of the employees will diminish. Hence, it is important to hire or develop Lean management experts within the organization in order to streamline the processes as well as remove unnecessary wastage of manpower and resources.

Lean Management Certification: businesses, as well as organizations, are facing major challenges in terms of a time delay of products and services, high rates of the raw materials. Since lean Management courses can help both you as well as the staff in understanding the practices when followed can cater better results including identifying the main gray areas where the money is not spent wisely, identify procedures as well as processes that are the reason for unreasonable delays etc. If a company can identify few of their best subject matter experts and enrol them in Lean Management certification course, this will benefit the organization in the long-term. This will enable the organization in identifying the loopholes better.

 As hiring a Lean Management Expert will help solve the issues partially. However, having a lean management expert within the group and help solve most of the issues as they will have a fair idea of issues and will be able to better see the underlying issues. Creating Lean Management Teams within the organization can be very beneficial for both the employee and the employer.

How do Business Analytics Consulting firms support your business?

Business Analytics consulting usually analyse company data and market data to understand the trends, business weakness and other important details. This data can be studied and used as a tool in making important decisions. Since data plays a vital role in any organization, the relationship between the numbers as well as the results is studied to help explain what exactly is working well for the organization and also throw light on some things that should be completely avoided in order to succeed.

Business Analytics Consulting firms becoming quite popular nowadays as lot of data is easily available and organizations feel the need to leverage this data to improve internal processes, remove wastage and optimize the business operations. Analytic helps different aspects of a business. It can help in
  • Improving the effectiveness of marketing spend
  • Optimizing the sales force effort
  • Supporting data based decision making
  • Reducing cost of supply chain and distribution
  • Enhanced customer experience through past and foretasted behavior
Technology firms provide many solutions which generate reports by crunching the data. However, extracting meaningful and actionable insights from the data can be best done by analytics consulting firms.

Business Analytic Consulting Firm starts by identifying major issues in an organization which can be resolved through big data and analytics. They rely on existing data to draw their insights and actionable items as the new data won’t have a benchmark to compare. The best part of analytics firm is that they create operating models to provide these insights and actionable items to the right people at the right time.

Just to give an example of a pharmaceutical sales representative. The sales representative has just visited a doctor and is thinking about which doctor to visit next. Analytics firm will analyse the speciality of the doctors in the nearby area, their office timings, average wait time at the doctor, importance of the doctor for the specific medicine etc to provide the suggestion to visit a particular doctor.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We can do so much more !!

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Five Steps For Developing A Business Strategy Planning

There a great verse in the Bible which states “Where there is no vision people perish”.
Having a plan is vital for any organization, business, sports etc. Without a proper plan, it is hard to achieve goals. Hence most of the business indulge in developing corporate strategy planning in order to achieve the desired goals and results. In order to develop a good strategic Planning, the below mentioned 5 steps should be followed.

1.    Start from the point you are in: A good Business Strategy Planning involves accessing your business from the view point of outsiders. A honest assessment of the organization will help you see where exactly you are in the Big picture and will give you a clear cut outline of how you can achieve the desired goals. The best thing to do is an internal as well as external audit to complete this assessment.

2.   Set the Tone: Once you have completed the assessment and understood where you are heading. The next thing to do is setting up priorities like customers, markets etc. Prepare a list of realistic short term goals which will eventually help you achieve the long term goals.

3.  Achievements / Targets: In strategic planning, most important thing after setting up the priorities is to set targets of what exactly the company or the business is planning to achieve and what exactly is the deadline in completing this task.

4.   Accountability: Accountability should be part and parcel of the strategic planning. There is saying that performance improves by monitoring, however it accelerates when it is returned and reported. Hence departments and individuals should be appraised of their roles and responsibilities and should be held responsible if there is no progress.

5.      Review: Business Strategy Planning does not end when the plan is set forth. It requires constant and consistent reviews in order to better the plan.