Friday, 25 November 2016

Benefits and Scope of Six Sigma Consulting

Industries often suffer the financial setback because of getting their products rejected by the clients due to minor defects. Achieving 100% accuracy in total production seems too ideal but getting 99.99% accuracy is possible by following ‘Six Sigma’ methodology. Numbers of industries around the world have experienced the significant production quality improvement after incorporating the Six Sigma method in regular processes. The growing global trend of hiring Six Sigma Experts also proves the wide scale acceptance of ‘Six Sigma’ methodology.
Six Sigma Consulting
Benefits of Six Sigma Consulting:

Before elaborating the most shared benefits of Six Sigma deployment, I would like to brief about Six Sigma. Precisely, the term ‘Six Sigma’ refers the capability to produce strictly within well-defined specifications. Six Sigma deployment helps the industries to get the defect level below 3.4 DPMO (defects per million opportunities), which is a benchmark for any Six Sigma oriented industry.

Six Sigma consulting helps the industries to reduce the variations in processes and the products. The more in common benefits of involving Six Sigma Consulting Company include fewer defects, increased capacity, ultimate quality, lower cost, higher revenue, reduced capital expenditure and shorter cycle time. The organizations also experience a shift in the approach to the systematic problem solving through data- driven decisions. The organizations also realize the significant drop in ‘Cost of Poor Quality’ after guided Six Sigma implementation.

Scope of Six-Sigma Consultancy:

Six Sigma Consulting revolves around four key aspects of production- assess, plan, enable and sustain. Six Sigma Experts help the clients to address the most complex challenges; whether, these are related to reduce the production costs, achieve the long-term sustainable growth rate, improve the revenues and/or increase the profitability. Strategic customized Six Sigma consultancy guides the concerned stakeholders/key decision makers to-

•    Create and circulate the shared vision for smooth Six Sigma journey
•    Incorporate the required changes in the working culture
•    Establish the framework for optimized interventions in line of priority 
•    Develop the requisite capabilities within organization 
•    Manage the implementation of new policies in challenging environment

Implementation of Six Sigma is like adhering to a scientific culture for the ultimate yield; it needs patience and commitment. The prominent Six Sigma Consulting Firms provide on the site training and consultancy in customized module to help the businesses achieve the dream-like targets.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Lean Consultant: You Need to Compete with Acceptable Product Quality

In the competitive business world, ultimate satisfaction of the customer is the only key to open the door of sustainable success rate. Customers have become smarter because of availability of more options; they expect the best quality at least price. Competent businesses are always on the spree of innovating unique methods to offer better quality at lower cost. The task is really challenging. Strategic incorporation of ‘lean theory’ in all the processes under the expert guidance of Lean Management Consultant is seen as the most efficient way to delight the customers with supreme quality at reasonable cost.

The Scope of Lean Methodology:

Lean Methodology is a fundamental approach focused to minimize the waste and to maximize the flow.  The ‘Lean’ oriented organization collectively understands, communicates and implements the lean principles throughout all the functional and operational processes. Lean Methodology comprises of five principles also known as 5s Lean Management:

* Defining value of products in the line of customers’ expectations
* Value mapping through data-based analytical approach from the customers’ perspective
* Ensuring the seamless consistent process to add competitive values
* Ensuring prompt flexibility to address the ever-changing needs of buyers/users
* investing in continuous innovative efforts to improve the quality for the new benchmark

Why and Where Do the Companies Need Lean Consulting Experts?

Lean Consultants structure a perfect roadmap for the strategic implementation of 5s Lean Management principles. The expertise in Kaizen and SCORETM Methodologies helps the organizations to add new competitive values to their products. Customized consultancy and training are provided to deliver the long- term benefits by improving the production and innovation skills within the organization. The Lean trained professionals tackle the problems in a smoother way to sustain the flow of improved production and operational functions. The elevated satisfaction of customers helps the organizations to solidify the social brand image and to face the competitive marketing challenges successfully. Leading Lean Management Consultancy companies provide on the site training and consultancy through structured modules to hit the goals.