Thursday, 3 March 2016

Key benefits of Green Belt Training

A successful Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt is something the candidates should earn and cannot be achieved without a proper plan. It requires a team that has a knowledge of existing processes and policies as well as they should receive proper support from the Senior Management Team. Usually, people who can solve the problems and those who have an aptitude for numbers are just selected because of their aptitude. However, those who receive the Greenbelt training should have some of the below-mentioned attributes to have a successful project.

  1. Persistence: This is the key attribute that the Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts should possess more than anything. There will be opposition or barriers in implementing change that might be as a result of culture or technology. Instead of becoming disheartened, they have to move forward in facing these challenges and become a change agents for the organizations.

  1. Room for improvement: Those who are recommended for the Greenbelt training should be those who are looking for improvement in the existing processes or procedures. They cannot sit back and think that all is well. They should question the current procedures and processes. They should be able to find the root cause of the problems. As a manager, it is critical to consider candidates with this attribute when recommending someone for Greenbelt training.

  1. Logical: This is the most important quality that the candidate should have to be approved for green belt training. It is not always good to have a person who is math ability selected. The candidate should be able to understand logically the situation and work out solutions by thinking. Identifying persons of such calibre can be very helpful.

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